
Write! Go write. Write now. Write more. Write on. Write in and out and up. Just write.

Write Up is a blog for the people who really like reading the above sentence. It's also for the people who hate that sentence, but are for some reason still reading (what's up with that?). You're a writer. You're a writer and you like it. Or you're a writer and it's the bane of your existence. Either way, don't worry. We can probably all relate. Just read through the posts and see for yourself.

Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you're here.

Other Stuff!

In addition to the blog, I also offer editing and/or coaching services to support you through whatever project you're working on right now. I am very enthusiastic, helpful, and shockingly timely. You have been warned. (For more info, contact me. Or just click through those happy little tabs at the top of the page.)

Have a business? Need content marketing support? I do that too. The above warning still applies. (Click here for more info)

My work has appeared in City Arts Magazine, Oregon Bride Magazine, Line Zero Literary JournalScript Literary Journal, and others. I am a contributing writer to the children's web series The Digits, I co-wrote the full length play Elsewhere, and I'm in the process of working on my first novel. For three years I have supported small businesses with content creation (blogs, newsletters, etc) and social media marketing. I have a degree in English (writing track) and Theatre from Whitworth University.

My name is Heather Rose Walters. I'm also an actor in LA. I love stories, what can I say?

1 comment:

  1. Heather, you are a delightful writer! Witty, insightful, and dead on! I would LOVE to talk to you about my book. This is a great blog and I wish I'd seen it a year ago, when I was looking for... exactly this! You go, girl!!
