My drama teacher used to say, “There are no small parts.
Only small actors.” While this might have been used at the time to assuage the
ego of a rather precocious eight-grader, the truth of it nonetheless rings
true. The supporting characters of any play, film, or novel are
arguably one of the best ways to make your story well-rounded, timeless, and
Imagine Harry Potter
without Neville or Luna. Imagine Pride
and Prejudice without Lydia. Imagine Romeo
and Juliet without Mercutio. Imagine Step
Up II without Moose.
Across genre, style, and century, supporting characters are the legs that hold the story-table up. But
character development of any kind is tough, and the smaller roles are usually
the first to be neglected.
Whatever you’re working on right now, take a break to
evaluate your supporting cast with the following questions.
1. Are they a cliché? It’s way too easy to make your supporting characters a two-dimensional idea
rather than a fully fleshed out person, and that can show itself most obviously
as a cliché. Ask yourself if you’ve seen this person before. Are they a
stereotypical nerd? Jock? Princess? Some other character from the Breakfast Club? A wise and mysterious
old man with a long beard?
I’m not saying these things are bad, but they’re tropes in
the world of story. They’ve been done before. And if you’re writing one of them,
chances are you’ve limited your character.
If you absolutely need it to be a cliché for specific
reasons, just make sure it’s not only
a cliché. Give him depth. Give her quirks. Which leads us to point number two…
2. Are they
surprising? Bring something new and unexpected to each character.
Dumbledore was a wise old man with a long beard, but his odd quirks brought an
element of surprise to an otherwise predictable trope (Lemondrops, anyone?).
Add insecurities. Add odd obsessions or unexpected viewpoints.
Add hidden talents.
Most people aren’t predictable, and your supporting
characters are a unique opportunity to add a level of weird to your story that
your protagonist might not be able to pull off.
3. Do they have their
own character arc? The best supporting characters have an arc, just like
the protagonist. They have a goal, a conflict, a quest to overcome that
conflict, a climax, and a resolution that shows they’ve grown or changed in
some way.
Look at your character’s beginning and end. Can you see
significant change? If not, beware—you might have a plot device, not a
character. (P.S. Extra points if the supporting character’s arc reflects or acts as a foil for the main character’s arc!)
Did I miss anything, dear writers? Who are some of your
favorite supporting characters—and why?
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